1406 Stamford Squadron

Welcome to
1406 Spalding Squadron
Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Parade Nights
Every Tuesday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Every Thursday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm


Spalding Air Cadets BTEC Haul

BTEC_2015The cadets of 1406 Squadron Air Training Corps (ATC) Spalding were have been celebrating their success in completing their BTEC Certificates.

Awarded via the CVQO, in the case of the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Aviation Studies a cadet will take a number of years to complete the required study and exams in various subjects, such as Air Navigation, Military Air Systems, Piston Engine Propulsion, Air Power and Principles of Airframes, to name just a few to qualify to wear their Master Cadet badge.

The cadets can also choose at the age of 16 years to take on a self learning package which takes a year for either the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Music or BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services.

The photo is just a few of the cadets who have done really well, Cdt Sgt Avery, Cdt Cpl Sandford (not pictured), Cdt’s Mika and Wilson all successfully completed their BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Aviation Studies.

Cdt Sgt Cali (picture rear right) completed the BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Public Services with Distinction. While Cdt Warrant Officer Lockie (front right) was awarded the BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Public Services with Distinction Star plus the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Aviation Studies.

A squadron first, we congratulate Cdt Sgt Stacey, (pictured middle front) who was not only awarded the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Music with Distinction Star, plus the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Aviation Studies but as a result of her qualifying as an Aerospace Instructor Cadet (signified by the blue lanyard) and completing the required study, she has also been awarded the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Level 2 Certificate in Leadership and Team Skills (Cadet).

Well done Sgt Stacey and everyone else for their hard work and well deserved awards.