1406 Stamford Squadron

Welcome to
1406 Spalding Squadron
Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Parade Nights
Every Tuesday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Every Thursday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm


Rotary Club “Santa Sleigh” brings new opportunities

Presentation evening1

Report by Cdt Cpl Mika
On the 9th February, Flight Lieutenant Rogers, Corporal’s Mika and Bertolaso attended the Spalding Rotary Club presentation evening to collect their donation to our Squadron from money which was raised with their help in December.
Various local clubs and charities attended the event from the area who  had also helped out with the Santa Sleigh collection in December. The money which we were presented will go towards increasing the Squadron opportunities with equipment for DofE activities and a new flight simulator which we are hoping to build, all of which so that the cadets can do more.
A huge thank you to the Rotary Club for allowing us to take part in the Santa Sleigh collection and inviting us to the presentation evening, it was a fantastic evening and great to meet everyone who makes these fundraisers possible.