1406 Stamford Squadron

Welcome to
1406 Spalding Squadron
Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Parade Nights
Every Tuesday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Every Thursday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm


No DutchCourage required, as best feet march on and on and on

Having successfully completed all the local training and the 50 mile WARMA qualifying marches at RAF Cosford, 1406 (Spalding) Squadron cadets Flight Sergeant Kevin Kirk and Corporal David Wait were selected to represent Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing participating in what is probably the most physically demanding event cadets and staff can participate in, the Nijmegen four day marches in Holland or De 4 Daagse, The Walk of the Wold.

The march covers 100 miles and took place from 16th to 19th July and saw an amazing 46,000 people from across the World take up the challenge.

After arriving in Holland the cadets took part in cultural visits and visiting Arnhem cemetery, they also acclimatised in their accommodation at Camp Heumensoord and Malden. Each day during the march the teams were awake between 2:00 and 4:00am to start marching before the summer sun got too hot.

This year the Wing took out 3 teams of cadets, and in total over 40 cadets and staff took part, and all of them finished the march.

Corporal David Wait said, “Local people cheered us on handing out free snacks, souvenirs and drinks right from the beginning of the first day right until the end of the final 5km march past to the finish line. This boosted morale and kept me going; it took my mind off the pain. Crossing the finish line at the end was intensely relieving but an amazing experience. We were even lucky enough to have Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty  march with us for a short spell on |day 3, which was a real morale booster”

Flight Sergeant Kevin Kirk was taking part for a second year, and the last time as a cadet as he reaches the upper age limit early next year, was also rewarded for his team efforts with the team medal for his efforts to promote morale, and push on when times were hard. Kevin said, “I’m not sure what to do for next year yet? Do I take part in the march next year for a third time or do I help and assist with the support team, it’s a tough decision, but I have a little time to think about it yet before I make a firm decision.”