1406 Stamford Squadron

Welcome to
1406 Spalding Squadron
Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Parade Nights
Every Tuesday at 7.00pm - 9.45pm
Every Fridays at 7.00pm - 9.45pm

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The staff with the squadron are all volunteers, even uniformed staff who undertake to become Royal Air Force Air Cadet or RAFAC, NCOs’ (Non-Commissioned Officers) and Commissioned Officers.

Uniformed Staff

Flight Lieutenant  Marc Fowler (OC): Marc joined the corps in 2002, had a full cadet service with the squadron, achieving the rank Cdt Flight Sergeant. His other achievements were his Gold Duke of Edinburgh and Silver Gliding Wings (single solo). Marc recently returned to the Squadron as a Civilian Instructor leading the D of E Scheme, now having sat and passed  his “Officers Board” – he is now our Pilot Officer and Second in Command. 
 Flight Sergerant Beki Navarrete: Joined the corps and 1406 Sqn in November 2007 as a cadet, she progressed through her cadet career to achieve the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer, along the way taking part in many activity; her proudest achievement was that of achieving Wing Female Sports Cadet and her Gold Duke of Edinburgh. Now as an adult Sergeant, she has qualified as a Drill Instructor and focuses her time on developing the cadets in the areas of drill, first aid and management and organization. Outside of the organization she works full time as a Store Manager for Tesco’s and enjoys taking part in sport and going to the theatre.

Civilian Staff





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. Rachel Kirk – (Civilian Instructor): Rachel joined Spalding squadron as a cadet in 2006, in her cadet career she covered various activities of our community and charity work, completing bronze Duke of Edinburgh and worked her way up the rank of Cadet Sergeant. On reaching the age limit of 18 she asked for an extension to stay on to 20 which was granted. Rachel left Spalding squadron and went to 272 Wisbech squadron to become an adult civilian Instructor, now 2 years later she’s transferred back to 1406 Spalding squadron.  She is in charge of squadron stores. Rachel has now taken on the role as  Press & Media Officer for  squadron, which includes web and all media.   Sherral Stratton – (Civilian Instructor): Sherral started as a cadet 30 years ago at 4F Ilford squadron and worked her way through the Corps to the rank of Cadet Flight Sergeant, she moved from London to join Holbeach Squadron.  The after ageing out returned to the Corps as a Civilian Instructor. A short break to have a family she came back and joined Spalding Squadron again as a CI before going into uniform as an adult SNCO. Due to work commitments she went back to being a CI but continues to support the Squadron in an Admin role.

Quote: “The Corps has always been and will continue to be a huge part of my life, and my family’s life.”