1406 Stamford Squadron

Welcome to
1406 Spalding Squadron
Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Parade Nights
Every Tuesday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Every Thursday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm


Cadets Summer Camp in RAF Aldergrove

IMG_5729Twelve cadets and two staff members from 1406 (Spalding) Squadron recently attended an annual camp hosted by Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing at Joint Helicopter Command Aldergrove. 80 cadets and 11 staff members from the wing travelled by coach to Aldergrove in Northern   Ireland for a week of activities from the 15th-23rd August 2014.

Whilst there the cadets visited different areas of the base such as the photo section, dog section, 5 army air corps, fire section and many others, giving them an insight to military life. The cadets were taken to see some of the local attractions during their stay and managed to receive a guided tour of the Ulster Aviation Society Museum, visit the Ulster Folk and Transport museum and make an impromptu stop at the TruckFest to sit in a Spitfire!

All cadets were given the opportunity to undertake a swimming proficiency test, and 1406 came away with 9 cadets gaining their basic certificate – well done!



Throughout the course of the week there were flying opportunities for the cadets. Priority was given to cadets that had not flown before, and then names were drawn out of a hat to select which cadets were able to have a flight in either a Gazelle AHI or a Defender aircraft. Spalding squadron saw 6 of our cadets go up in a Defender and 3 in a Gazelle. Cdt Ruth Sandford said on her flight ‘I had a great flight in the Gazelle! Going in a helicopter was a new experience to me and I enjoyed every moment of it! Getting to fly over the surrounding area and Belfast was a great insight into Northern Ireland.’