1406 Stamford Squadron

Welcome to
1406 Spalding Squadron
Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Parade Nights
Every Tuesday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Every Thursday at 7.00pm - 9.30pm


1406 Enrolment and Presentation Evening 2019







Recently 1406 (Spalding) Squadron enrolled 19 new cadets into the Air Training Corps.

They all made their cadet promise, received their bibles, and their 3822s. They are now full members of the SQN and the Corps, best of luck to all of them with their future at the Squadron and in the ATC.

Sergerant Beki Navarrete (RAFAC) and Mr David Wait took the opportunity to talk about the previous year at the Squadron and what is planned for the rest of 2019. The cadet Non Commissioned Officers took the stage to talk about the achievements from 2018, what the cadets have done, and what we are looking to achieve in 2019.

Then Squadron Leader Paul Bond (RAF) presented the awards to the following cadets:
Best New Recruit – Cadet SamThomas
Best Female Sports Cadet – Corporal Erin Hope
Best Male Sports Cadet – Cdt Tadziwanshe Mhere
Fundraising Award- Cadet Warrant Officer Jordan Bertolaso
Service in the Community – Corporal Oliver Drakard
Cadets, Cadet of the Year- Cpl Alexandra Lord
NCOs, Cadet of the Year- Cpl Oliver Drakard
Outstanding Effort & Performance -Sgt Corey Genovese
Most Improved NCO Sergerant Harrison Hunns
OC Choice Cpl Ebony Congreve
Certificates of Merit Cpl Alexandra Lord, Cadet Abi Barks
Certificate of Distinguished Merit – Flight Sergarent Amber Wait

Cadet Warrant Officer Jordan Bertolaso was then called up to present the Staff Appreciations:
Certificates of Appreciation, Civillian Committee Member Nikki Hope, Civilllian Committee Member Louise Embleton, Civillian Committee Treasurer Clare Hunns, and Sargeant Navarrete (RAFAC).

Then Sqn Ldr Bond (RAF) was invited back to present the final award,
Outstanding Achievement, Cadet Warrant Officer Jordan Bertolaso.

Squadron Leader Bond (RAF) then took the time to deliver a short speech about the Air Cadets, and thanked the staff for all their dedication.

The evening ended with a rousing speech from Air Commodore Terry Jones (Royal Air Force).

It was a wonderful evening and well done for everyone who won an award. We would also like to thank RAF Wittering for sending Sqn Ldr Bond & thank Air Cdre Jones for his speech.